Sun, 16 December 2018
Game designer, blogger, and real-life journalist Chris Marling joins me once again to talk about Essen. As he did two years ago, he had a new game launching at Spiel, so we get to hear about that. But he's also an enthusiastic game hobbyist like the rest of us, and he also talks about the event itself from that point of view. Chris loves the game fair, and has been going for quite a number of years. From that perspective, he's able to notice some shifts & changes in the hobby that affect the world's largest boardgame event itself. We talk about those, too.
Direct download: BGTG_188_-_Essen_2018_with_Chris_Marling.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm PDT |
Tue, 11 December 2018
No Openers or Closers this time, as we have so many games from the event to discuss!
Just about every year, my friend & frequent podcast guest Greg Pettit joins me to talk about BGGcon. In recent years I've enjoyed the event with him, but I missed 2018. However, another friend, Ryan Wheeler, does that job this year. Greg, Ryan, and I met around 15 years ago when we all lived nearby and played regularly in our little group, the Santa Clarita Boardgamers. Of those three, I'm the only one still in Santa Clarita, California. Greg's in Texas, and Ryan's in South Dakota. While it's too bad I couldn't join them this year, I'm so happy that BGGcon is around to draw old gamer friends together like a magnet.
Direct download: BGTG_187_-_Post-BGGcon_2018_with_Ryan_Wheeler_and_Greg_Pettit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:54pm PDT |
Mon, 26 November 2018
Doug and I have "known" each other via the internet for over twenty years. He, Joe Huber, and I were the three that started emailing each other to form the Desert Island Gamers (DIGers) mailing list that was a main source of boardgaming information before sites like BGG were around. Heck, we go back far enough that we knew each other from IRC chat sessions. Although the distance between California (me) and Australia (Doug) has prevented us from meeting in-person, we've kept up an irregular correspondence for all of those years. Doug was on my wargames podcast a couple years ago, and at that time I knew I had to get him on Boardgames To Go, too. He maintains his wargaming days are mostly behind him, and he's almost exclusively a eurogamer now.
Direct download: BGTG_186_-_Kniziathon_with_Doug_Adams.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:59pm PDT |
Sun, 21 October 2018
Opener: Reef
Wed, 17 October 2018
Direct download: BGTG_184_-_Conventions_for_Boardgame_Players__Designers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:21pm PDT |
Sun, 22 July 2018
Opener: Nothing specific, since I discuss so many titles during the episode
Mon, 25 June 2018
You haven't heard from me lately (unless you subscribe to my wargames podcast), but I'm still here, still gaming. However, there HAS been a transformation in my engagement with the hobby. For the past half-year I've firmly been in the mode of downsizing my collection. Why, and why now? Well, that's some of what this podcast is about. I'm joined by three of my local gaming buddies, Dave, Greg, and Mike. Dave isn't exactly downsizing, but he's disciplined about NOT letting his collection grow. So as he gets new games, he sells off others. I'm actually shrinking my collection. The other two guys are in a different frame of mind. Greg is running out of storage space, but still wants all of his games (and more). Mike thinks anyone who wants to get rid of games is crazy. It all adds up to a variety of interesting opinions about downsizing a collection. |
Sat, 10 March 2018
Direct download: BGTG_181_-_Brewery_Roundtable_BGGcon_2017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:03pm PDT |
Tue, 6 February 2018
Opener: Welcome to Season 14 of my podcast! (Also family gathering gaming with Take Your Pick, Raj, and Codenames)
Direct download: BGTG_180_Post-BGGcon_2017_with_Greg_Pettit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:37pm PDT |